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Below is a list of online
colleges that offer accredited online Degrees.

Below is a list of online degrees. Choose from the menu the one
that meets your needs.

Jones International University

Jones International University - offers 100% online programs for fully accredited, respected degrees in education and business.

Upper Iowa University

Upper Iowa University- is a recognized innovator in the delivery of accredited, quality education.

Web colleges make getting a degree an opportunity meant for everyone with access to the world wide web. If you have always dreamt of obtaining a degree or other certificate then internet colleges are a fantastic way to make that desire come true. One of the chief benefits of studying with web based colleges rather than typical campus-based schools is that you can work on your chosen branch of learning at your own pace and at a schedule that suits you. As an alternative of having to go to classes and lectures you can match your lessons in around job and family commitments. In particular, numerous stay-at-home mothers are discovering that internet colleges offer classes that they can take even as the young ones are at school.

Easy Online Degrees

has a variety of online colleges with accredited degrees. These degrees range from associate degree, bachelor degrees, master degrees, certificates, and diplomas. So if you are looking for graduate or undergraduate programs you can find them here.

Associate Degrees: Associate Degrees are typically two-year programs preparing the graduate for an entry-level position or employment upgrade in a career/technical field (AAS), or for transferring to a four-year program of study (AA or AS).

Bachelor Degrees: Bachelor Degrees are typically 3-4 year programs preparing the graduate for a higher-level position or employment upgrade in your current career or technical field (BS or BA), or for transferring to a master degree program of study.

Master Degrees: Master degrees or Graduate programs come in all types with the majority being MBA (Master of Business Administration). These degrees are geared towards getting you into management or upgrading your current career. Master degree programs also include MIS, MS, MED, and many others.

Doctoral Degrees: A Doctoral degree is the highest level of education a person can receive. This is the next step after your Masters program. There are several colleges that offer accredited online doctoral programs.

Certificate Programs: Certificate programs vary from an undergraduate certificate to a graduate certificate (masters certificate) So depending on what type of certificate you are looking for we have it listed under the certificate link on the left.

Diploma Programs: Diplomas and certificates are a fraction of the cost of a degree. Online programs are the same as on-campus or in-classroom, and can be taken entirely online through the Internet or by distance education.


AIU Kaplan University
Rasmussen College Online Lincoln College Online





Featured College

University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix is an accredited college with online degree programs. Their degrees include Business, Accounting, Administration, e-Business, Finance, Human Resources, Global Business Management, Integrated Supply Chain and Operations Management, Marketing, Organizational Innovation, Public Administration, and Retail Management. University of Phoenix also offers Doctorates, Phd's, and MBA programs.

Featured College

Walden University

Walden University is for working professionals who desire an advanced degree while maintaining career & personal commitments. Walden's flexible, student-centered education allows you to earn a master's or Ph.D. from the convenience of your home or workplace. Walden also offers online bachelor degree programs.





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